This is my story and how I got here…
My name is Mo. For the last 10 years I’ve been on a journey of healing and transformation.
I was trapped in a cycle of unhappiness and depression for a long time, merely surviving each day without purpose or fulfilment. When I was 18, I suddenly remembered a traumatic event that occurred 10 years prior. Alongside feeling unloved as a child, this shaped my entire life, as I developed dissociative disorder at age 8. However, everything changed when I discovered yoga, and with yoga I slowly found the connection to my body again. This set the wheels in motion to heal my childhood wounds and finally learning to love myself. Yoga became more than a physical practice; it became a journey inward, guiding me towards a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me. Through mindfulness and self-reflection, I unearthed a newfound sense of peace and direction that had eluded me for so long.
Today, I am passionate about sharing all I have learned from my own healing journey, the transformative powers of the modalities I have studied, believing wholeheartedly in their ability to heal and uplift. My journey from darkness to light fuels my commitment to helping others discover their own path to inner peace and fulfilment through the practices of spirituality and all my practices listed below.
As well as life coaching, I teach yoga, this is for many the gateway back into the body. I studied ayurveda, which is the sister science of yoga, and it helps me with clients who seek dietary advice. I use numerology too to find out more about a person’s lifepath and their destiny. I studied shamanic healing with various teachers and lineages. Then I graduated level 1 & 2 of quantum healing, which is a powerful and effective modality, that quickly gets to one’s root cause of the issue. I recently graduated as a trauma therapist, using a bottom-up approach called embodied processing. Furthermore, I have studied NLP, breathwork and meditation.
In my coaching approach I can tap into any of these modalities to best help you on your path. All you need is to be ready to make a conscious effort, I will be there to gently guide you to find inner peace, happiness, and light. And so it is.
Let me Guide you on your Path
Here to help you find your true potential, life path, fulfillment & happiness.
All my clients report an improvement in their wellbeing!